Bob French
Bob joined the Parish in 2000 and has been actively involved in St. Joseph’s for eighteen years. Originally from North Chelmsford, Massachusetts, he moved to Nashua to be close to his son, Christopher. Christopher is now 31 and lives in Swanzey, NH, and works at Polyonics, in Westmoreland, NH as a Materials Manager. Bob received a Bachelor of Science Degree at Southern New Hampshire University in Business with a concentration of Materials Management. He worked 20 years in Materials Management at Massachusetts manufacturing companies, and since 2007, Bob has been employed by the U.S. Census Bureau. Bob is one of the many unsung heroes of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Bob’s long history of ministry began in 2001. His efforts and contributions include the following:
Youth Group Counselor, 2001-2011
Faith Formation Committee, 2002 to present
Pastoral Council, 2002-2008
Religious Education, Confirmation Retreat, 2004 to present
Religious Education, Middle School, 2010 to present
Summer Religious Education, 4th grade, 2012 to present
Adult Education classes, Lent & Advent, 2005 -2019
Christmas Fair- Kitchen, 2007 to present
Eucharistic Minister, 2014 to present
In his spare time, Bob enjoys cooking, bike riding, hiking and visiting family. Our parish gratefully recognizes all that Bob has done and continues to do to build up God’s Kingdom among
us and we ask God’s blessing upon him and his loved ones.