Are you looking to get more involved in parish life? Your talents could be a perfect fit for one of these ministry opportunities!
Help us grow the Kingdom of God!
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Would you like to assist others in coming to know Christ and becoming Catholic, by sharing your knowledge and love of Christ and His Church? Are you interested in knowing Christ, and His love for you? Are you interested in becoming Catholic or receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation? If so then please consider volunteering to be part of the RCIA team, or consider participating in the program as you journey towards Christ and His Church.
Deacon Roland Leduc

Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee plans, with the pastor, all areas of parish worship, including Sunday liturgies, holy days and special prayer services for special needs. It coordinates the training of liturgical ministers and oversees the art and environment of the church.
Tony O'Malley

Arts & Environment Committee
The purpose of the Art and Environment Committee is to create a beautiful and welcoming environment inside the church that will enhance the worship experience of parishioners.
Robert Gagne

The lector proclaims the Word of God during Mass. Through the proclamation of the Word, the presence of the Lord is among us. In the absence of the Deacon, the lector reads the General Intercessions after the Homily and reads the announcements after Communion.
Rick Donaruma

Eucharistic Minister
Men and women serve the parish community by assisting the celebrant in distributing the Eucharist. Another important aspect of this ministry is to bring the Eucharist to the homebound of our community. EMs are also responsible for preparing the sacred vessels before the liturgy and for cleaning them afterward.
Deacon Doug Hoffer

Altar Server (Adult)
Adults are needed for daily morning Mass as well as other liturgies at which the youth altar servers cannot be present (i.e. weekday funerals).
Deacon Doug Hoffer

Altar Server (Youth)
The youth assist the priest in celebration of Mass as well as other liturgies such as weddings and funerals. To be eligible, the youth must have received First Holy Communion. After attending training sessions, the youth is commissioned and begins his or her ministry of altar server.
Deacon Doug Hoffer

Youth Choir (10 AM Mass)
The mission of the Saint Joseph's Youth Choir is to enhance the Mass celebration by leading the parish community in prayer through songs of worship and praise. Through the children's involvement in Youth Choir, we strive to inspire and engage them in the joy of praising God through song, teach them the importance of actively participating in the mass, and help them develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Chris Wenrich

Contemporary Music Group (10 AM Mass)
Our Contemporary Music group leads us in prayer at our 10 AM Mass with their songs of worship and praise. This group rotates with our Youth Choir.
Tom Lynch
Adult Choir (4 PM Mass)
The Adult Choir leads our 4PM Mass in prayer through songs of worship and praise to our Lord.
Barbara Puder
Provides an atmosphere of worship before the Blessed Sacrament for parishioners to draw closer to Jesus by spending time in His presence as we advance along the road to holiness and grow more into His likeness. Recruit Adorers for each hour that the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Notify adorers when Adoration is canceled due to inclement weather or if a funeral Mass is scheduled during the Adoration time.
Vicki Provencher
Bereavement Reception
This ministry provides support and assistance to bereaved families who will be using our parish hall to host receptions after the funerals of their loved ones. Volunteers will be contacted on a rotating basis to help with setting up tables (including tablecloths and placemats) and chairs. They may also be needed to greet bereaved family members and friends, serve coffee and food, pack up remaining food to send home with family members and clean up the hall and kitchen areas once the reception is over.
Kim Dupont
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
allows children of our parish to participate in a religious family organization, teach commitment, sportsmanship and leadership, as well as the sport of basketball or cheerleading. The CYO Board oversees the function of the organization in distributing responsibilities in the running of the organization. Practices are held evenings during the week in the parish hall September through March. The CYO committee meets monthly. For parents with children involved in the CYO Program, the Christian Formation Committee has developed guidelines for all participants in the CYO program. Compliance with these guidelines is required to participate in any CYO activity.
Joe Merrill
Communication Committee
This committee assists the pastor with managing the various communication channels within the parish including the website, Facebook, Instagram and narthex displays.
Donna Donaruma
Evangelization Committee
This committee assists the pastor in reaching out to new people moving into our area to invite them to become members of our parish family. It provides outreach to parishioners who no longer regularly worship with us. And, it develops ways of helping all members of the parish deepen their faith in the message of the Lord.
Lisa Richard
Facilities Committee
This committee of 7-8 parishioners, with business and contractor backgrounds, come together to help the Facility Manager run the parish, renew contracts, and maintain the physical plant. This committee meets as needed.
Robert Cormier
Faith Formation Committee
This committee advises and assists the Director of Faith Formation with all the Catechetical programs in the parish. Under the direction of the Pastor, the committee is also responsible for all the Adult Enrichment programs in the parish. This committee meets monthly. Recently, they assisted the Director in planning the transition to the restored order for the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. The group is currently helping the Director develop a new program for middle school students.
Robert Carbonneau
Family Ministry Committee
The purpose of Family Ministry is to promote a sense of community among the parishioners by offering various social events. Meetings are as needed.
Lisa Simpson
Finance Committee
The finance committee maintains the financial well-being of the parish by reviewing and approving budgets presented. The committee evaluates the spending needs of the parish and recommends cost saving ideas where appropriate. The committee itself meets quarterly. At these meetings the Business Manager consults with the team regarding financial issues pending and then presents the actual cost incurred through the most recent quarterly periods. The committee then reviews and analyzes variances relative to the budget for possible overages. This committee meets quarterly, plus extra for budgeting for planned year and reporting to the parish.
Kevin Flynn
Good Steward Committee
This committee suggests to the Pastor ways to assist our family of faith in growing God's gifts of life, faith, family, work and our civic and parish communities. It recommends various volunteer opportunities and, several times a year, honors a member of our parish with the Good Steward Award for all that he or she has done for our parish and civic community.
Rick Donaruma
Healing Ministry
Prayer teams available after each Mass once a month in the Eucharistic Chapel. Parishioners receive healing prayer for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. This is a confidential ministry of love, hope and acceptance for those in need of God's healing touch. This ministry brings peace and spiritual support for God's people.
Lisa Richard
A time for families to gather in our hall to share in conversation and baked goods or a small luncheon during the Easter season's Holy Hour and Easter Vigil; also, at First Communion and Confirmation. People on the committee are asked to contribute bake goods and/or certain portions for the luncheon.
Donna Cormier
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service group of Catholic men. To be a member in the order, one must be a Catholic man, age 18 or over in good standing with the Church in accordance with the Holy See. The St. Joseph Council 12311 is very active in hosting many parish social and service activities. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month.
Dan Drahusz
Office Volunteers
These volunteers are contacted to help with various parish office tasks such as 1) providing coverage of the front office which includes: greeting daily visitors, answering the phone, taking messages and possible light computer work, 2) stuffing bulletins or 3) helping with mailings.
Kim Dupont
Outreach Committee
The Outreach committee reaches out in many ways to our parish family: in welcoming new members, in promoting support for Corpus Christi Food Pantry Assistance, Inc., in offering support to families who have lost a loved one, in offering best wishes to parishioners celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries, in reaching out to parish families in need and to area agencies at Christmas, and in responding in whatever way possible to individual needs of our parishioners. This committee meets on the last Wednesday of the month, plus additional meetings as needed.
Toni Auclair
Parish Council
The Parish Council’s primary mission is to assist and advise the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating, and reviewing the evangelization, worship, faith formation and service activities of the parish. The twelve members of the Pastoral Council are called forth by the parish community and selected through a discernment process. The term of office of a council member is three years. One third of the council is opened for discernment each year. Pastoral Council meetings are held monthly (September-May). Past actions by the council include the coordination of the new Parish communications plan and strategy that has significantly improved our website and our social media presence and the issuance of and response to the Parish Survey that has resulted in many positive changes in the Parish. Our most recent effort was the coordination and running of the Good Steward Weekend whose goals were to inform Parishioners about all the volunteer opportunities in the Parish, help the members of our community see the good that many selfless people perform, and to help them to realize how much effort it takes to make a Parish successful.
Marc Richard
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a dedicated group of women who provide crocheted and knitted shawls to ill, convalescing and grieving members of our parish family and community. These shawls are available to someone who may find themselves in need of this homemade symbol of prayer and support. It is our hope that each person who receives a prayer shawl will feel comforted by the warm embrace of our heavenly Father during a time of tragedy, illness or difficult situation.
Pauline Brown
Prayer Wall
Our Prayer Wall allows us to add prayer requests and invites our community of faithful to prayer for our parish intentions. Our prayer wall can be found by visiting our home page.
Kim Dupont
Safe Environment Committee
The Safe Environment Council consists of one representative from each of the nine deaneries who is recommended by the dean and appointed by the bishop to a three year term. The Safe Environment Council is an advisory body to the director of the safe environment office regarding programs and efforts to ensure a safe environment in the Church.
Paula O'Connell
Scouting (Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts)
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Scouting has programs for youth ages 6 through 20 years old. Here at St, Joseph's we have a Scouts BSA program for boys ages 11 through 17. The Scouts BSA Troop meets on Thursdays from 7-9 pm in our Parish Hall. They have trained leaders and a committee of adults who oversee the components of the program. The Troop committee has a monthly meeting on 3rd Monday of the month. While we do not at the moment have a program here at St. Joseph's for Cub Scouts (Grades K through 5), we can help you connect up with local Cub Packs who can accommodate those youth.
John Puliafico
Tithing Committee
The Tithing committee meets bimonthly to distribute the income set aside for tithing from the parish revenues. The committee members evaluate and respond to requests for assistance.
Trina Clark
Women in God's Spirit (WINGS) is a faith enrichment group for women of all ages who seek to grow in their relationship with God, nourish friendships rooted in Christ, and deepen their faith. Our caring WINGS environment is a place where you are invited to share and reflect on your faith journey with other women.
Each Gathering will represent a different theme. Come refresh your souls and awaken your Spirit.
Donna Donaruma