Dear Parish Family,
We hope you’re having a wonderful week. Being back at Mass and worshiping with our parish family continues to fill us with tremendous joy! We want to thank you for continuing to adhere to our guidelines and for being patient as we fine tune the procedures. We experienced some technical issues with streaming the Sunday 10 a.m. Mass into our parish hall and our awesome “technology crew” spent time this week troubleshooting those problems. We continue to miss those of you who are still unable to join us in person. We pray that you’re well and continuing to stay safe. We’d love to hear from you! How about dropping us a line and letting us know what you’ve been up to!
Next weekend we’ll be celebrating the birthday of our nation and it seems more divided than ever. Many of us are experiencing feelings of confusion and even fear as the current issues tear at the seams of the country. As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, let us continue to pray for unity and peace. We ask our gracious and loving God to help us remember to love one another as He loves us. May we bring peace into our homes, our communities, our country, and our world. May God bless the United States and EVERYONE in it – men, women, old, young, people of all colors, migrant, refugee, disabled, sick, rich, poor, and all those who have fought for our freedoms.
Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace, who are yourself our peace and reconciliation, who so often said, “Peace to you,” grant us peace.
Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice, and brotherly love. Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace.
Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. May all peoples on the earth become as brothers and sisters.
May longed for peace blossom forth and reign always over us all. – Pope John Paul II
Updates and Reminders:
UPDATE: Click here for last weekend’s (June 21, 2020) Gospel and Bishop Christian’s homily. This weekend’s Gospel and homily will be posted by 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. You may also listen to past homilies provided in a searchable archive.
Since we’ve resumed public Masses, Bishop Christian has not recorded a weekly message. Please visit our web site to view past messages.
Public weekend Mass has resumed! There are two Masses, Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The Sunday 8 a.m. Mass will be re-instituted in the near future. Please read Bishop Christian’s letter and review our guidelines prior to attending Mass. You may also download printable guidelines. The dispensation of obligation for Sunday Mass is still in effect for anyone reluctant to attend, especially those for whom it is medically inadvisable.
Public daily Mass: Monday – Thursday at 8:00 a.m.
The church will continue to be open for private prayer: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Sunday: 12 noon to 5 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Tuesday evenings: 6 - 7 p.m. or Wednesday mornings: 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon (in the main church). All are welcome! Please join us! Also, we are always looking for additional “committed Eucharistic adorers” for each hour of adoration. Interested in signing up for a specific hour or learning more? Please contact Pat Hurd at: 603-882-1503 or
UPDATE: K of C Scholarship Awards – The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council 12311 happily received 6 applications for its two $1000 scholarships. This year’s scholarships are dedicated to the honor of past Grand Knight, Paul Rioux. We are pleased to announce that Narissa Hill and Sarah Picard are the two scholarship recipients based on their academic/extracurricular activities, community contributions, education plans for the future, their essay and recommendation letters. It was a very difficult decision and our parish community is blessed to have so many intelligent and ambitious young minds. Congratulations Narissa, Sarah, and all the applicants! The council and our parish wish you well in your future endeavors. (Brian Jackson, Grand Knight)
UPDATE: Blood Drive - The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council 12311 would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took part in the June 19th blood drive. 22 units of blood were collected, impacting the lives of 99 hospital patients!
NEW: The parish office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. Wishing you a happy and blessed Independence Day, a day to remember our freedoms and thank God for them. May we never take our freedom for granted, especially our freedom to serve and worship God. “For you were called for freedom, brothers. But do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh; rather, serve one another through love.” – Galations 5:13
Can we offer you a face mask? Hands to Work, Hearts to God, the St. Joseph the Worker Face Mask Ministry, still has many face masks to offer our parishioners and local outreach agencies. A huge THANK YOU to our volunteers who helped to ensure everyone who needs a mask has one. We’d love to provide masks for you and your family! Masks are made of 100% new cotton material and will be washed and individually packaged to ensure your protection. Please use this request form located on our parish web site. For further information, please email Donna Donaruma at:
Your generosity is a blessing! We appreciate your continued contributions to the parish’s weekly offertory. Your support continues to be extremely helpful in assisting us with our regular financial obligations. There are many ways you can donate to the parish. You may use our Online Giving option, the mail, drop off at the parish office, or place in our locked mailbox located outside and to the left of the main entrance doors. Thank you for doing the best you can during this difficult time!
Parish Web site:
Parish Facebook page:
Weekly Bulletin: You may also sign up to receive our weekly bulletin via email by following this link.
Diocese of Manchester Web site:
We appreciate you taking the time to stay up to date with our parish news. If you have any questions, special needs or prayer intentions, please contact us. You may email us at or call the parish office at 603-883-0757 ext. 2.
God’s blessings and peace,
Bishop Christian and the Parish Staff
Office Manager
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
777 West Hollis St., Nashua NH 03062
603-883-0757, Ext. 2