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Guidelines for Distribution of Holy Communion (effective through June 7, 2020)


  1. Anyone who is ill, or has had contact with someone who is, should refrain from these services. The bishop’s dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in effect.

  2. Please maintain social distancing at all times outside and within the church.

  3. Entrance into the church will be through the main doors only.

  4. Please follow the directions of the Ministers of Hospitality at all times.

  5. As a safety for others, everyone over 5 years old should wear a facial covering. Please bring your own face covering. If you do not have one, we will have a limited number of disposable masks available. Our St Joseph the Worker Face Mask ministry is also making 100% cotton, washable masks for our parishioners. You can request a mask here.

  6. At the time of the service, all the doors will be opened and the benches in the church roped off. Please do not touch anything at any time. If you can, bring your own hand sanitizer and use it before entering the church.

  7. Bathrooms will be available for emergency use only.


  1. Holy Communion will be distributed the weekends of May 30/31 and June 6/7 on Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

  2. Please prepare yourself spiritually for the reception of the Eucharist. Pray the Our Father privately as you proceed down the main aisle.

  3. At the direction of the Minsters of Hospitality, proceed down the main aisle, single file, maintaining social distancing, according to the markings on the floor. Family groups may stay together.

  4. There will be two communion stations: one at the head of the center aisle and one on the right side near the tabernacle. Go to the station indicated by the Minister of Hospitality.

  5. Receive communion in the hand only and immediately step to the right to the spot indicated on the floor. At that time, remove your face covering and consume the host. (Those distributing communion will sanitize their hand before they give a host to the next person if they inadvertently touch the hand of any communicant.) Immediately replace your face covering and exit the church by the side door on the parking lot side of the church. Please do not remain in the church and do not attempt to sit in pews that are roped off.

  6. Please do not congregate or socialize at the doors of the church and be conscious of social distancing at all times.

  7. Once in your car, spend a few moments in a prayer of thanksgiving.

Thank you for your adherence to these guidelines. Let us pray for the day when we can congregate once again for public Masses.


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