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Hunger and Thirst for God Alone

Gospel Meditation - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Since my college days I’ve loved a song called “Dance with You” by the rock band Live. It touches on the deep mystical hunger of our heart: “I’ve tasted all the wines/ a half a billion times/ came sickened to your shore/ you showed me what this life is for.” These lines resonate with anyone who has feasted on the good things of this world only to be left spiritually hungover and unsatisfied. We see a similar dynamic evoked by Jesus’ words after he feeds the crowd with bread and fish. To teach them to hunger for God, he recalls God’s gift of manna-bread for the hungry ancient Israelites. Those folks had grown spiritually sick from the idolatrous food of Egypt yet still longed for more worthless pagan food. So, God sent heavenly bread to nourish their bodies, but also to heal their distrustful hearts. His people — like us — must learn to hunger and thirst for God alone. Before we can receive that which will not disappoint, we first must cease expecting that earthly goods will satisfy us. We will get to the Lord’s teaching on the Eucharist in the next two weeks. But first, he asks us: do you trust me to take care of you? Do you trust me to give you what you need for each day, and to not worry about the next day? Do you see that when you hungrily stuff yourself with the things of this world you become sick and lose your taste for the bread of life? So, our hungry hearts cry out: Lord, help us to trust that you’ll provide for our every need. Help us to use only what we truly need. Help us hunger for the goodness of your Son, who is the true bread from heaven. That is what this life is for.

— Father John Muir ©LPi


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