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St. Joseph the Worker Upcoming Events & Schedules

Hello Dear Parish Family,

The fall is flying by and our awesome annual St. Joseph Holiday Fair (Saturday, November 19th) is right around the corner! Please click here to read a letter from Bishop Christian regarding all of the upcoming parish events and schedules for the fast approaching holiday season. We’ve also included a registration flyer for our upcoming Advent adult enrichment program, Lectio: Mary with Dr. Brant Pitre (Registration deadline: November 9th). Due to your support and generosity, our Calendar Raffle fundraiser has been a great success the last two years and we’ve decided to offer it again this year. Click here for a copy of the calendar. The calendar is filled with $3,500 worth of cash prizes! Please take some time to read through all of the documents and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us. We continue to be very grateful for your continued support and for everything you do for our parish!

A few reminders:

  • Solemnity of All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation) – Masses on: Monday, October 31st at 7:00 pm and Tuesday, November 1st at 8:00 am

  • All Souls’ Day – Special Mass of Remembrance on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm (There is no 8 am daily Mass)

Blessings and Peace,

Bishop Christian and the Parish Staff


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