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The Person We Have Become Is What We Bring Into Eternity

There is a play from medieval times called “Everyman”. It opens with a ‘messenger’ stepping out in front of the curtain, looking intently at the audience, and saying, “I pray you...Look well, and take heed…For ye shall hear how our Heavenly King calleth Everyman to a general reckoning.” The play

then portrays Death coming to tell Everyman that his earthly years are over and it is time for him to enter eternity. When Everyman recovers from shock, he asks Death to give him time to ask his three most cherished earthly companions – Power, Prestige, and Pleasure – to enter eternity with him. Death obliges. To Everyman’s great dismay, however, they refuse to go with him.

The play should cause each of us, who is Everyman, to examine ourselves on what our three most precious earthly possessions are and whether or not they will accompany us to eternity. What do we value most? What do we give our time and energy to? What do we try to accumulate? And how do these things define us a person? For what we can bring with us into eternity is only ourselves, the person we have become. Jesus urges us to grow rich in the things that matter to God. In other words, to become people who are loving, merciful, and generous. It is those qualities or lack of them that define us and it is the person we have become that enters eternity. What would we be like before God if today was the day to stand before him?


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